The Legend of Zelda Cursors

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Archived from an old version of Nintendo of Norway's website (


10 .cur (Windows Cursor) files zipped (12.8 KB)

Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link


.cur (Windows Cursor) file (3.18 KB)

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Cursor Set

DOWNLOAD (15 cursors, 8.56 KB)
Normal Select Help Select Working In Background Busy
Zelda Normal Select.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Help Select.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Working In Background.ani
(25.6 KB)
Zelda Busy.ani
(25.6 KB)
Precision Select Text Select Handwriting Unavailable
Zelda Precision Select.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Text Select.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Handwriting.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Unavailable.cur
(2.18 KB)
Vertical Resize Horizontal Resize Diagonal Resize 1 Diagonal Resize 2
Zelda Vertical Resize.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Horizontal Resize.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Diagonal Resize 1.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Diagonal Resize 2.cur
(2.18 KB)
Move Alternate Select Link Select
Zelda Move.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Alternate Select.cur
(2.18 KB)
Zelda Hand.cur
(2.18 KB)